Tuesday, February 24, 2009

LOCKER 13 Film Project - Part One

LOCKER 13 is a feature film that I am currently involved in producing. This vignette film stars Ricky Schroder, Krista Allen, Tatyana Ali and Bart Johnson, among many others. I liken this film to a new slant on TWILIGHT ZONE.

Our production team, BROTHERS' INK, began the concept to this film last year and unveiled our marketing plan at the Phoenix Film Festival. The idea was rather simple, have our cast, writers (script), music and crew submit online to create a movie. We received an overwhelming response and found that the project grew from its humble beginnings into something much larger and more involved. It's so cliche but bears saying here, but it's all about who you know in this business, and with the word of mouth spreading rampant among the industry, this person talking to that person....suddenly, people were talking about us...in HOLLYWOOD.


Hello and thanks for reading,

This is the first entry in my blog. This blog is about me, and life as an independent filmmaker in Phoenix. I will be writing about various topics involving film including screenwriting, producing, investing, and whatever else comes to mind.

Thanks again for making the journey with me, this should be fun and hopefully educational.

more to come.